sur Circus SE (isin : DE000A2YN355)

Circus Group Prepares Market Entry in Asia

Hamburg, 23.05.2024 – Circus Group (Xetra: CA1) is planning to enter the Asian market as part of its initial global roll-out. The company has developed the world’s first commercially-viable food production robot, Circus Autonomy One (CA1), aiming to disrupt the global food service market through advanced AI, robotics, and proprietary software solutions.

Circus is in talks with potential customers in Asia interested in large quantities of CA1. To meet this demand, Circus is building a dedicated team for the Asian market and has appointed Prof. Lin Yang as Local Managing Director for Asia Pacific. Yang will oversee local business strategy and partnerships.

Circus will start commercializing its robots in Europe and the USA from its German headquarters. The high demand from Asia necessitates dedicated on-site teams. CEO Nikolas Bullwinkel emphasized the importance of Prof. Lin Yang's appointment, citing his proven track record in launching new technologies in China.

Prof. Lin Yang expressed his enthusiasm for joining Circus, noting the promising potential of the company's innovative robotic solutions in the food service industry across Asia. Circus' approach allows meal preparation to be safe, healthy, and hygienic, fitting particularly well in high-demand areas like clinics and universities in Asia.

R. H.

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