sur Claranova (EPA:CLA)
Claranova at the Investir Day 2024 trade fair

Claranova announces its participation in the 6th edition of Investir Day, which will take place on November 26, 2024 at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris. This event brings together shareholders and investors around debates and meetings. More than 5,500 participants were present at the previous edition.
Eric Gareau, CEO, and Xavier Rojo, CFO of Claranova, will discuss the new strategic plan 'One Claranova' with the shareholders present. Eric Gareau will participate in a roundtable on the impact of AI and data on the performance of technology companies, as well as a Masterclass on Claranova's strategy.
Claranova will also publish its financial agenda for December 4, 2024, with the General Meeting of Shareholders. A contact number is made available for individual shareholders.
R. P.
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