Clariane Announces Major Capital Increases and Strategic Investors to Fortify Financial Structure
Clariane has declared two significant capital increases totaling approximately €328 million aimed at bolstering its financial framework. This financial strategy involves major shareholders including Credit Agricole Assurances and introduces a new major shareholder, HLD Europe, which plans to acquire a 20% stake via a €74.1 million dedicated capital increase pending shareholder approval.
In addition to HLD Europe's major investment, other current shareholders, Flat Footed and Leima Valeurs, will participate in this dedicated capital increase, injecting €15 million and €3 million respectively into the company. This move coincides with a preference rights-based capital increment of roughly €236 million, contingent on approval at an upcoming shareholder meeting and the French Financial Markets Authority's clearance.
These financial maneuvers form an integral part of Clariane’s strategy to reduce debt and reinforce its fiscal base, further supporting its long-term growth missions and commitment to corporate social responsibility. The company has also planned an asset disposal initiative expected to generate approximately €1 billion, which is another step in strengthening its financial health.
R. P.
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