sur U.S. Bank (NASDAQ:USB)
CMUV Bancorp Reports Robust 2024 Financial Performance

CMUV Bancorp, the parent company of Community Valley Bank (CVB), has announced its unaudited financial results for the 4th quarter of 2024, showcasing a year marked by strong growth and solid financial metrics. The company reported earnings of $4,156,350 for the year ending December 31, 2024. Total assets increased to $311 million, while gross loans and deposits reached $263 million and $271 million, respectively.
The earnings per share stood at $2.38, and the Community Bank Capital Leverage ratio was at 12.0%, indicating strong capital reserves beyond the regulatory requirements. The Allowance for Credit Losses was $2,710,837, representing 1.04% of total loans, with non-accrual and past due loans remaining exceptionally low.
The Return on Average Assets (ROAA) was 1.36%, while Return on Average Equity (ROAE) was 12.17%, highlighting a healthy return profile for the bank. These results reflect the bank's robust financial health and strategic positioning in the community banking sector.
R. H.
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