sur Craven 100 Alliance
Coastal Carolina Regional Airport Welcomes Breeze Airways
Coastal Carolina Regional Airport (EWN) in New Bern, North Carolina, has announced the arrival of Breeze Airways as a new partner. This airline is offering non-stop flights to Orlando, Florida, and Hartford, Connecticut, starting on May 24th. This partnership provides a low-cost flight option, unique in the region. The initial flights will be available twice a week with fares starting at $49 for a one-way ticket.
Breeze Airways, which is not yet three years old, celebrates its presence in 50 American cities, offering over 150 non-stop routes across 27 states, both year-round and seasonal. This partnership choice is praised by Andrew Shorter, airport director, for its direct contribution to key markets. The network was made possible through the collaboration of the airport with the Craven County government, Craven 100 Alliance (C1A), and the county's tourism development authority.
The foundation of this partnership is built on strategic efforts to enhance low-cost air service in eastern North Carolina. The establishment of Breeze Airways reinforces access to popular destinations, in line with the mission to connect underserved markets without existing non-stop flights.
R. H.
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