sur Coinsilium Group Limited (isin : VGG225641015)

Coinsilium Group Limited Announces Warrant Exercise and Director Shareholding

Coinsilium Group Limited, a prominent Web3 investor and advisor, has announced the exercise of warrants amounting to 3,350,000 new ordinary shares at 3 pence per share, raising £100,500. This move follows a subscription and broker placement executed with Peterhouse Capital and SI Capital in April 2023.

Significantly, the exercise involves two of the company's directors. Executive Chairman Malcolm Palle and CEO Eddy Travia each acquired 1,675,000 shares, both at 3 pence per share. Subsequently, Eddy Travia now holds 7.99% of the company, while Malcolm Palle holds 6.76%.

These new shares are set for trading on the Aquis Stock Exchange Growth Market by 17 March 2025. This development expands the total share capital to 226,555,900 shares, updating the company's voting rights.

R. P.

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