Compagnie Chargeurs Invest Enhances Executive Leadership

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action CHARGEURS (EPA:CRI).

Compagnie Chargeurs Invest has appointed Alexandre Vesperini as Director of Public Affairs, enhancing its executive committee. Vesperini will handle relations with institutional stakeholders in markets where Chargeurs operates, accounting for 94% of its revenue. This move aligns with the strategic vision of Michaël Fribourg, Chairman and CEO, to bolster the group's industrial and financial capabilities under its new identity, Compagnie Chargeurs Invest. The strategy focuses on thematic platforms such as Culture & Education, Fashion & Know-how, and Innovative Materials.

Alexandre Vesperini brings extensive experience from roles at the European Parliament and the French National Assembly. His background also includes a leadership role at the Paris Council. Prior to joining Chargeurs, he served as Consulting Director at Lysios, aiding industrial groups in engaging with policymakers.

R. H.

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