Compagnie des Alpes Reports 31% Increase in Q1 2024/25 Sales

Compagnie des Alpes announced a significant 31% increase in sales for the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year, reaching €261.8 million. This reflects a strong demand for leisure experiences, with sales up 23.4% on a comparable basis.
The performance was bolstered by a favorable calendar effect, adding two extra vacation days by December 31, and excellent sales in ski areas and leisure parks. The Ski Areas and Outdoor Activities division reported a 19.7% increase in sales, attributed partly to favorable weather conditions and increased skier visits.
Leisure Parks saw a record-breaking Halloween season with a 37.5% rise in revenue. Excluding the impact of newly consolidated Urban Group, growth on a comparable basis stood at 25.3%.
The distribution and hospitality sector also flourished, with sales climbing to €17.4 million, a 25.4% increase, aided by improved occupancy rates and booking anticipation.
R. E.
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