Compagnie des Alpes Reports Strong Financial Performance in H1 2023/2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action COMPAGNIE DES ALPES (EPA:CDA).

Compagnie des Alpes has demonstrated a robust financial performance in the first half of the fiscal year 2023/2024, with a notable increase in consolidated sales reaching €761.1 million, a 12.2% rise compared to the previous year. This growth is attributed to the significant contributions from its ski areas, leisure parks, and hospitality sectors.

The Ski Areas and Outdoor Activities sector saw an impressive 14.3% increase in sales, amounting to €496.9 million. This surge was driven by a marked increase in the number of skier-days and higher average revenue per skier. Additionally, the company's Leisure Parks division experienced a strong start to the season with sales of €167.7 million, up 11.9% from the previous year, buoyed by higher visitor numbers and increased spending per visitor.

Furthermore, Compagnie des Alpes highlighted its strategic business maneuvers including the acquisition of a significant share in the Urban group, a leader and co-leader in urban sports like 5-a-side soccer and padel in France. This move is aimed at enriching its leisure offerings and complements its financial growth. The company also noted the complete acquisition of MMV, consolidating further its assets in the hospitality and leisure sectors.

The company's outlook for the upcoming half of the year remains optimistic, anticipating sustained growth across its various divisions, underscoring a confident stance towards its future business trajectory.

R. E.

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