sur Kibaran Resources Limited (isin : AU000000KNL2)
Completion of Epanko Design Marks Progress for EcoGraf
EcoGraf Limited, listed on ASX, FSE, and OTCQB, has announced the completion of the Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) for its Epanko Graphite Project in Tanzania. This development is crucial for the project's execution and involves detailed designs for various engineering disciplines. The optimized process plant design aims to enhance operability while minimizing costs, based on extensive test results and vendor recommendations.
In addition, the company completed a significant geotechnical drilling program. Conducted by Knight Piésold, this program supports the engineering parameters for the Epanko Processing Plant and ensures compliance with the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management.
The FEED results are under review for debt financing, further propelling the project's advancement. Completion of these milestones aligns with EcoGraf's ambitions of developing a sustainable high-purity graphite supply for global markets.
R. P.
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