Composition of E-PANGO Capital as of December 31, 2024

On January 3, 2025, E-PANGO communicated the composition of its capital as of December 31, 2024. A specialist in the supply of energy for businesses and communities, E-PANGO specifies that the exercise of OCEANE in December 2024 influenced this composition.
The distribution is as follows: self-ownership represents 0.6% of the shares, SAS ENUEVO holds 4.9%, SAS PICOTY 4%, Philippe GIRARD holds 3.4% and SAS ALP 1.3%. The public, for its part, holds the vast majority with 85.8% of the shares.
The characteristics of the OCEANE, of which 10 tranches have been exercised, are described in a previous press release dated April 22, 2024. This includes a loan divided into several tranches, influencing the current structure.
R. E.
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