Composition of E-PANGO capital as of February 28, 2025

On March 4, 2025, E-PANGO published the details of the distribution of its share capital as of February 28, 2025. This company, listed under the ISIN code FR0014004339 and specialized in the supply of energy, presented the exact figures concerning its shareholder structure.
With a total of 26,565,025 shares, the public holds a majority share, representing 86.61% of the shares and 77.52% of the voting rights exercised. The main shareholders include SAS ENUEVO with 4.58% of the shares, SAS PICOTY with 3.76%, and Philippe GIRARD holding 3.18%.
The company has no treasury shares. The remaining capital is distributed among other shareholders, with SAS ALP owning 1.25% of the shares. The total voting rights amount to 30,206,812.
R. E.
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