sur CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA (isin : DE000A288904)

CompuGroup Medical Plans Minimum Dividend Payout for 2024

CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA has announced intentions to reduce its annual dividend for 2024 to the legal minimum of EUR 0.05 per share. This decision aligns with the company's strategy to focus on long-term growth and innovation, prioritizing investments in infrastructure and AI-based processes. The proposed dividend reflects the company's assessment of revenue and profitability, which saw a decrease in both organic revenue and adjusted EBITDA in 2024. Revenues dropped to approximately EUR 1.154 billion, with a 15% decline in adjusted EBITDA to EUR 224.6 million. Earnings per share were down to EUR 1.27. The final dividend decision awaits approval at the annual general meeting in August 2025.

R. E.

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