sur Peugeot Invest (EPA:PEUG)

Correction Issued in Robertet Investment Announcement

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Peugeot Invest (EPA:PEUG).

Peugeot Invest released an addendum to their earlier announcement titled "Robertet Successfully Reshapes Its Shareholder Base to Support Its Long-Term Growth Ambitions" dated November 15, 2024. The addendum corrects a material error found on page 4 of the original document. The corrected version is accessible on the Peugeot Invest website.

The error pertained to the exchange ratio between investment certificates (IC) and voting rights certificates (VRCs). It clarifies that upon exercising the exchange option in 2030, the agreed ratio is 8.5 VRCs for 1 IC, contrary to the previous indication.

This precision is critical for stakeholders and reflects Peugeot Invest's commitment to transparency and accuracy in its investment dealings.

R. P.

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