sur CoTec Holdings Corp. (isin : CA22165A1021)

CoTec Holdings Corp. Announces New Stock Options and Share Unit Grants

On February 20, 2024, from Vancouver, BC, CoTec Holdings Corp. (TSXV: CTH)(OTCQB: CTHCF) announced the granting of 333,335 deferred share units to the non-executive directors of its board. Additionally, the company awarded 730,000 incentive stock options to an officer, management, and employees of the company. These options, vesting over a three-year period, can be exercised at a price of $0.75 per share and are valid for ten years. They were granted subject to the terms of the company's omnibus equity incentive plan and in accordance with TSX Venture Exchange policies.

CoTec positions itself as an Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)-focused company, investing in innovative technologies to revolutionize the way metals and minerals are extracted and processed. It aims to become an intermediate mineral resource producer, while supporting the transition to a lower-carbon extractive industry. To date, four investments have been made, and the company is actively seeking operational opportunities to deploy its technological investments.

R. P.

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