sur CTS EVENTIM AG (isin : DE0005470306)

CTS EVENTIM Appoints Luca Martinazzoli as Managing Director of Arena Milano

CTS EVENTIM has announced the appointment of Luca Martinazzoli as Managing Director of Arena Milano, effective from January 1, 2025. He will oversee the operational management and strategy to position the venue as a premier cultural and entertainment destination in Italy. Martinazzoli reports to Klaus-Peter Schulenberg, CEO of CTS EVENTIM.

Arena Milano, located in Milan, is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. It will host ice hockey competitions for the Milano Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics and will begin hosting concerts and events in spring 2026. The arena is designed to set new standards in live entertainment and sports.

Martinazzoli brings extensive experience from his roles at Milano & Partners, the Municipality of Milan, and companies like Nike and New Guards Group. His expertise in strategic planning and cultural promotion makes him a vital asset for this role.

R. H.

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