sur Cubic Defense

Cubic Defense lands a significant contract for the US Navy's Moving Video System

The San Diego-based company Cubic Defense has secured an indefinite contract to enhance and maintain the KnightLink Moving Video System (FMV) for the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)'s MH-60 Sierra helicopter fleet. This announcement was made on February 20, 2024.

The KnightLink system plays a crucial role in enhancing mission capabilities through significant hardware advancements, according to Russ Marsh, Vice President at Cubic. It provides a wide range of video support features for various applications, from operational to maintenance. The agreement includes deliveries in multiple categories, such as software upgrades, hardware enhancements, and general maintenance.

The FMV system and product enhancements aim to strengthen fleet operations and interoperability. KnightLink systems are developed and delivered from Cubic's site in Huntsville, Alabama. For more information about Cubic's products and services, visit the website

R. E.

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