sur Custodian REIT Plc (isin : GB00BJFLFT45)

Custodian Property Income REIT plc: Notification of Managerial Transactions

Custodian Property Income REIT plc, listed on the London Stock Exchange under the ticker CREI, has disclosed transactions by individuals with managerial responsibilities and their associates. This announcement complies with Article 19.3 of EU Regulation No. 596/2014 on market abuse.

The company received notification on 27 June 2024 regarding share purchases by Ian Mattioli, a Non-Executive Director, and his family. The transactions involved ordinary shares of 1 pence each.

Purchases included 200,579 shares by Ian Mattioli at 74.8 pence per share and smaller transactions by his wife, Clare, and other family members, bringing the total volume to 360,301 shares at an aggregated price of 75.0 pence.

The transactions occurred on 26 June 2024 on the London Stock Exchange. This release marks the public disclosure of the information, ensuring compliance with market regulations.

R. H.

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