sur CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA (isin : DE000A288904)

CVC Exceeds Acceptance Threshold for CompuGroup Medical Deal

CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA has announced that CVC Capital Partners has surpassed the 17% minimum acceptance threshold in its public tender offer for the company. This development paves the way for a strategic partnership, pending regulatory approvals. As of January 22, 2025, 17.46% of CompuGroup's shares are either tendered or acquired outside the offer.

The initial acceptance period ends on January 23, 2025, with a subsequent two-week period starting January 29, 2025. Shareholders will have the opportunity to tender their shares at EUR 22 per share. The offer includes a significant premium over previous share prices, providing an immediate value realization opportunity.

The tender offer remains contingent on regulatory approval, with transaction closure expected by Q2 2025. CVC and CompuGroup Medical plan to delist the company after completing the offer, suggesting a shift to private ownership.

R. E.

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