sur CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA (isin : DE000A288904)

CVC's Offer for CompuGroup Medical Sees Successful Initial Acceptance

CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA announced the completion of the initial acceptance period for CVC Capital Partners' tender offer. By this period's end, CVC had acquired 20.43% of CompuGroup's shares, surpassing the required 17% threshold. This includes 6.81% accepted via the public offer and 13.62% purchased separately.

An additional acceptance period is designated from January 29 to February 11, 2025, offering EUR 22 per share. This equates to a 51.2% premium over the average price before the offer's announcement. After the tender concludes, a delisting offer will follow. CVC does not plan to raise the offer price further. The deal's closure is projected for Q2 2025, contingent on regulatory approval.

Shareholders are urged to review the offer document and consult their banks for any specific deadlines. The offer details are available online after approval by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority.

R. E.

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