sur CYAN AG (isin : DE000A2E4SV8)
Cyan AG Achieves 86% Increase in Subscriber Base in 2024
Munich-based cybersecurity provider cyan AG reported an impressive 86% increase in its subscriber base for the year 2024. The company surpassed its growth targets by capitalizing on its core focus on cybersecurity, bolstered by existing partnerships and new market entries in Belgium and Spain. This growth is pivotal for cyan's financial trajectory, potentially reaching EBITDA and cash flow breakeven in 2025.
CEO Thomas Kicker emphasized cyan's strategic direction and innovative capacity, highlighting its commitment to creating value for customers and partners in the expanding cybersecurity market. The firm's growth strategy includes four focal areas, notably the expansion in telecommunications and new SME-focused solutions.
cyan's new product for SMEs aims to enhance cybersecurity, providing a defense against phishing through network and device protection. Additionally, cyan is set to leverage data insights for monetization, promising further growth opportunities in the cybersecurity field.
R. E.
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