sur CYAN AG (isin : DE000A2E4SV8)

Cyan AG Enters Mexican Market with New MVNO Partnership

cyan AG, a provider of intelligent cybersecurity solutions, has formed a cooperation with a new mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) in Mexico. This partnership marks cyan's entry into the Mexican market and supports its strategy for international growth, especially in Latin America. The MVNO will use cyan's security solutions, such as OnNet Core, to offer integrated digital security to customers, differentiating itself in the market. The launch is planned for the first half of 2025.

According to Thomas Kicker, CEO of cyan AG, this MVNO aims to be the first in Mexico to provide comprehensive protection against digital threats like phishing and ransomware. cyan AG intends to extend its cybersecurity offerings to the MVNO's entire customer base, reflecting rising global demand for robust digital security solutions.

R. H.

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