sur CYAN AG (isin : DE000A2E4SV8)

Cyan AG Unveils New Cybersecurity Solution for SMEs

cyan AG has launched cyan Guard 360, a cybersecurity solution tailored for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) aimed at countering digital threats like phishing. Known for its cost-effectiveness and ease of use, the product closes significant security gaps within company networks and on end devices.

Thomas Kicker, CEO of cyan AG, emphasizes the product's utility in addressing the vulnerabilities that SMEs face, especially given their limited resources and expertise in cybersecurity. The central feature of cyan Guard 360 is its AI-driven threat intelligence platform, which effectively prevents common cyber threats.

The solution targets both company networks and employees' mobile devices, offering comprehensive protection without additional hardware. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) will facilitate the product's distribution, allowing SMEs to bolster their defenses with minimal disruption.

R. H.

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