sur Dalata Hotel Group PLC (isin : IE00BJMZDW83)

Dalata Hotel Group Executes Share Buyback Transaction

Dalata Hotel Group PLC, the largest hotel operator in Ireland, has announced the purchase of 80,946 of its own shares. The transaction, conducted on 16 January 2025, forms part of a previously announced share buyback programme.

The shares were acquired on Euronext Dublin at prices ranging from €4.77 to €4.80, with a volume-weighted average price of €4.7792. Dalata intends to cancel all repurchased shares, affecting the total number of shares in circulation.

Following the cancellation, Dalata will have 212,069,753 ordinary shares in issue. Each share entitles its holder to one voting right, with no shares held in treasury.

This transaction aligns with the company's strategic financial initiatives under the Market Abuse Regulation. It provides shareholders with updated capital and voting rights information critical for compliance with transparency regulations.

R. H.

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