sur DATAGROUP IT Services Holding AG (isin : DE000A0JC8S7)
DATAGROUP to Manage IT Services for Stadtwerke Bonn

Pliezhausen, 4 February 2025 – DATAGROUP has secured the contract to manage IT services for Stadtwerke Bonn. This partnership will focus on enhancing the utility company's IT Service Desk, combining 1st and selected 2nd level support. This collaboration aims to streamline the IT services across Stadtwerke Bonn's subsidiaries from a centralized service center.
DATAGROUP will oversee IT support for approximately 2,400 employees. A notable element of this venture is the customized training, "Stadtwerke Bonn Führerschein," provided to DATAGROUP's team to ensure familiarity with the company's IT systems and processes.
Martin Mundorf of Stadtwerke Bonn emphasizes the importance of DATAGROUP’s comprehensive services for efficient internal customer support. With proven expertise in municipal utilities, DATAGROUP's CEO Andreas Baresel expresses enthusiasm for the new partnership, highlighting targeted IT support.
R. E.
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