sur Dazz
Dazz Partners with ReversingLabs to Enhance Unified Vulnerability Management
PALO ALTO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / June 18, 2024 / Dazz, a leader in security remediation, has announced a new partnership with ReversingLabs (RL), a trusted name in file and software security. This collaboration offers enhanced context for faster vulnerability prioritization and remediation. RL’s Spectra Intelligence solution will be integrated into the Dazz Unified Remediation Platform, covering code, cloud, applications, and infrastructure.
Security teams often face challenges with a backlog of vulnerabilities and struggle to prioritize them. Exploitation is a critical factor, yet many teams lack enough data on vulnerabilities, especially in open source and commercial software. The integration of RL's threat intelligence provides a deduplicated view of all known security issues being exploited, helping teams address them more effectively.
The combined capabilities of Dazz and RL will help customers prioritize and remediate vulnerabilities more efficiently. The Dazz platform, enhanced with RL exploit data, can identify root causes and recommend fixes. This integration is now available in private preview for Dazz customers.
"Our partnership with RL equips security teams to take meaningful action quickly, reducing noise and enhancing file and software security," says Saša Zdjelar, Chief Trust Officer, RL.
R. H.
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