sur Dazz

Dazz Selected as 2024 Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum

Dazz, a leading cybersecurity startup, has been recognized as a 2024 Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum. This honor places Dazz among the world's top 100 most promising start-ups and scale-ups in technological and business model innovation.

Merav Bahat, Co-Founder and CEO at Dazz, expressed excitement about joining the Forum's Innovator Communities. Verena Kuhn, Head of Innovator Communities at the World Economic Forum, highlighted Dazz's innovation in security solutions amidst the evolving landscape of AI and cyber threats.

The Innovator Communities consist of sub-communities including Technology Pioneers, Global Innovators, and Unicorns. These groups are provided a platform to engage with leaders and contribute new solutions to global challenges. Dazz will be actively involved in the Forum's Centre for Cybersecurity.

Founded in 2021, Dazz developed the Unified Remediation Platform, offering CISOs comprehensive visibility and rapid response tools for security issues. The platform prioritizes and fixes vulnerabilities using AI and automation.

Dazz continues to grow, driven by strong demand and business momentum, aiming to redefine security prioritization and remediation in the age of AI.

R. H.

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