sur Defence Therapeutics Inc. (isin : CA24463V1013)

Defence Therapeutics Announces Development of Second-Generation Cancer Vaccine ARM-002(TM)

Defence Therapeutics Inc., a Canadian biotechnology firm specializing in novel immuno-oncology therapeutics and drug delivery technologies, reported significant progress in its development of a second-generation cancer vaccine, ARM-002(TM), utilizing its flagship molecule AccuTOX®. The vaccine, when tested as a therapeutic vaccine in a melanoma model in conjunction with the immune checkpoint inhibitor Anti-PD1, demonstrated a complete response in 80% of cases.

This advancement presents a potential breakthrough in cancer treatment strategies by stimulating a specific immune response capable of not only treating existing tumors but also preventing future recurrences through the development of long-lasting immune memory. Defence's approach involves reprogramming mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into efficacious antigen-presenting cells, significantly reducing the need for extensive antigen preparation typically required for cellular vaccines.

ARM-002(TM) has shown remarkable antitumoral responses in vivo within melanoma models, leading to its expanded testing to include hard-to-treat ovarian and pancreatic cancers. Defence Therapeutics is conducting additional studies to further understand the conversion process of MSCs by AccuTOX® and explore the underlying mechanisms of ARM-002TM. The completion of these studies and a successful manufacturing trial run will pave the way for a Phase I study application targeting a range of solid tumors.

With the solid tumor treatment market estimated to reach $901.27 billion by 2029, the development of ARM-002(TM) positions Defence Therapeutics at the forefront of cancer therapy innovation.

R. P.

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