sur Delivery Hero AG (isin : DE000A2E4K43)

Delivery Hero ends negotiations for the sale of foodpanda in Southeast Asia

Delivery Hero SE, a global platform for local delivery, has announced the halt of discussions regarding the possible sale of its foodpanda business in certain markets in Southeast Asia. The decision comes after months of negotiations without reaching an agreement on the fundamental terms of the sale, including key markets such as Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos.

Despite initial optimism about reaching a deal, Delivery Hero has chosen to withdraw from the discussions, reaffirming its confidence in the profitable growth potential of its operations in the Asia-Pacific region. The company remains open to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) that create value for its shareholders and continues to pursue a disciplined investment policy focused on profitable growth and the generation of available cash flows.

This decision does not impact Delivery Hero's financial forecasts for the fiscal year 2024, which already excluded any M&A activity. The company continues to prioritize the development of its fast e-commerce model and maintains its commitment to measured and profitable expansion.

R. H.

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