sur SuperGroup (isin : GB00B60BD277)

Disclosure of Ownership by Ian James Kellett in Superdry plc

On the 27th of March, 2024, a significant disclosure was made regarding Ian James Kellett & Spouse's holdings in Superdry plc. As per the latest Form 8.3, which complies with the rules of the Takeover Code, the couple has reported owning 3,300,000 ordinary shares in Superdry plc, representing a 3.33% stake in the clothing retailer. This position was held as of the 26th of March, 2024.

The disclosure also detailed recent transactions by Kellett involving Superdry plc shares. Notably, purchases on varying dates included acquisitions at prices ranging from 28.06p to 30.2p per share, reflecting active engagement in the stock market concerning Superdry plc shares.

Apart from the holdings in Superdry plc shares, the disclosure did not report any rights to subscribe for new securities, cash-settled derivatives, or stock-settled derivatives related to Superdry plc by Ian James Kellett & Spouse. Moreover, no indemnity, dealing arrangements, or understandings relating to the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of Superdry plc's relevant securities were reported.

R. H.

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