sur Dormakaba Holding AG (isin : CH0011795959)

Dormakaba Partners with Save the Children to Combat Child Labor in DRC

Dormakaba has entered into a partnership with Save the Children Switzerland to address child labor in cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Over the next ten years, Dormakaba will invest around one million Swiss francs to support this initiative. This makes Dormakaba the first company in Europe to back this project.

The collaboration emerged from Dormakaba's commitment to human rights and a study on cobalt traceability commissioned from the University of St. Gallen. The study emphasized the need for responsible supply chains and highlighted that about 70% of the world's cobalt comes from the DRC, where forced labor and child exploitation are prevalent in mines.

Save the Children's subsidiary, The Centre for Child Rights and Business, will implement the project on the ground. The initiative aims to reintegrate child workers into education or vocational training programs and provides them with monthly stipends and medical support until they turn 16.

R. P.

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