sur Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA)

Dr. Chana Poomee Elected President of ASEAN Federation of Cement Manufacturers

Dr. Chana Poomee, chairman of the Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA), has been elected as the President of the ASEAN Federation of Cement Manufacturers (AFCM) for the 2025-2027 term. His presidency aims to unite the eight ASEAN cement-producing member countries to advance the AFCM Decarbonization Roadmap. This initiative focuses on carbon reduction through collaborative efforts with global organizations.

The election took place at the AFCM Special Council meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The TCMA's progress, noted for its role in steering the cement industry towards net-zero carbon emissions, has set benchmarks through initiatives like the Thailand 2050 Net Zero Cement and Concrete Roadmap.

Dr. Chana emphasized four strategic priorities: accelerating the roadmap development, regional cooperation, strengthened governmental alliances, and global organizational partnerships. This framework aims to align member countries' policies and leverage their strengths for sustainable industrial practices.

R. H.

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