sur A-1 Broadcast

Dr. Contessa Metcalfe Offers Spring and Summer Health Tips

ATLANTA, GA - Celebrity physician Dr. Contessa Metcalfe highlights steps for embracing a healthier lifestyle with the arrival of warmer weather. As winter fades, prioritizing health and wellness becomes crucial for an active lifestyle. Dr. Metcalfe emphasizes the importance of proactive measures, including exercise, diet, and daily supplements, to combat health challenges and improve overall well-being.

As activities increase with spring and summer, Dr. Metcalfe recommends Arnicare Gel for quick workout recovery, aiding in pain relief and reducing swelling from muscle aches. For mental acuity and energy, Cognizin in Karma Energy Water offers a hydration-based solution, thanks to its novel delivery system. She also suggests Isopure's new Collagen Peptides for supporting joint health and overall nutrition. Additionally, in response to the U.S. Surgeon General's concerns about constant online presence affecting mental health, she encourages taking time away from screens, supported by Tracfone's flexible plans and offers.

R. E.

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