sur Pompa Program

Dr. Daniel Pompa Shares Studies That Reveal the Core Cause of Acne

In Park City, Utah, Dr. Daniel Pompa, founder of the Pompa Program, has published a detailed blog titled "What Causes Acne - Hormone Dysregulation And Epigenetics." The Pompa Program, known for its work in cellular detox and healing, highlights genetic and epigenetic factors as key contributors to acne.

Recent research indicates that genetic variations significantly influence the production and sensitivity of hormones that trigger acne. Genes related to immune system regulation and hormone production are closely linked with acne occurrence. This implies that acne is an immune and endocrine system dysfunction.

Epigenetic changes also affect sebaceous glands, causing them to overproduce sebum, leading to acne. One study found that individuals with severe acne had higher DNA methylation levels in their skin cells, suggesting that genes involved in sebum regulation were suppressed.

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) like phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) further impact sebum production and trigger skin inflammation, compounding acne symptoms. Studies have also linked pesticide exposure to a weakened immune system and increased sebum production. Therefore, opting for organic and pesticide-free options is recommended.

R. E.

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