sur EasyJet (isin : GB00B7KR2P84)

EasyJet Announces Director Share Acquisition

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action EasyJet (EBR:EZJ).

easyJet plc has reported a recent share acquisition by a member of its board. On February 3, 2025, Julie Chakraverty, a Non-Executive Director, purchased 20,083 ordinary shares. The transaction price was £4.9792 per share, amounting to a significant personal investment in the company.

This acquisition is seen as an initial notification under the Market Abuse Regulations. The details specify that the transaction occurred in London, identified with the ISIN code GB00B7KR2P84. Such an action can be interpreted as a sign of confidence in the company's future performance.

The announcement originated from EQS Group, highlighting its regulatory nature. Investors and analysts are encouraged to reach out to Adrian Talbot, while media inquiries can be directed to Anna Knowles or Harry Cameron and Olivia Peters at Teneo.

R. E.

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