sur Kibaran Resources Limited (isin : AU000000KNL2)

EcoGraf Advances with Epanko Graphite Project Development

EcoGraf Limited has provided an update on its Epanko Graphite Project in Tanzania. The company is working with KfW IPEX-Bank to secure up to $105 million in funding under Germany's UFK program, aiming to support long-term mineral supply to German industries. A non-binding confirmation suggests eligibility for this program, with independent expertise being sought for further approval.

EcoGraf is finalizing procedures for the Epanko Special Mining Licence, anticipating issuance by the Mining Commission. It has finalized community compensation plans and constructed a medical dispensary for local villagers. Additionally, road improvements are underway to ensure better access.

Preparations are underway for the next development phase, with Clayton Hewetson appointed as General Manager – Project Development. His extensive experience is expected to benefit the project significantly as operations ramp up.

R. P.

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