sur Kibaran Resources Limited (isin : AU000000KNL2)

EcoGraf Limited: Successful PQF Operational Campaign

EcoGraf Limited has announced the successful operational campaign of its Product Qualification Facility (PQF). This campaign focuses on producing high purity EcoGraf HFfree® purified spherical graphite (SPG) continuously. This product meets the chemical specifications necessary for battery anode material while preserving crucial physical characteristics.

The company's recent efforts have also yielded non-binding agreements to support sales and develop a purification facility. Discussions are ongoing with auto OEMs and battery manufacturers. These moves are expected to address increasing demand in Europe and North America, driven by EU legislation and US tariffs.

EcoGraf's purification technology delivers high purification levels, with customer evaluations supporting the campaign's outcomes. A non-binding agreement with an international chemical group and a letter of support from a battery manufacturer reinforce this achievement.

The PQF initiative is jointly funded by the Australian Government, which provided $2.9 million in grant funding. The EcoGraf development strategy includes establishing multiple purification facilities worldwide.

R. P.

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