Edenred Initiates New Share Buyback Program

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action EDENRED (EPA:EDEN).

Edenred has announced a new share buyback agreement in continuation of its ongoing buyback operation. This new mandate, established on January 17, 2025, involves an initial maximum of €50 million and is set to continue until May 15, 2025. The agreement aims to eventually extend until November 2027, with a total operation worth up to €600 million.

As of the announcement date, Edenred had already purchased 8.1 million shares for €300 million as part of the ongoing operation. The newly allocated €50 million is projected to cover approximately 1.6 million shares, equating to 0.66% of the company's share capital, based on the closing price as of January 17. Acquired shares will be subsequently canceled, in line with prior declarations.

R. P.

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