Eiffage and Captrain Awarded €415 Million Rail Renovation Contracts by SNCF Réseau

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action EIFFAGE (EPA:FGR).

Eiffage, via Eiffage Rail, and Captrain have won contracts totalling nearly €415 million in a consortium bid for the SNCF Réseau's industrial renovation project of France's rail network, announced in 2022. The deal, which could exceed €790 million with potential extensions, shows significant investment in the country's rail infrastructure.

The first contract involves replacing track equipment on the Atlantique, Nord, and Sud-Est high-speed lines over four years, with a possible two-year extension. Work on 49 track equipment replacements will require extensive resources and will be conducted during weekend rail traffic suspensions.

The second contract focuses on renovating conventional tracks using industrial methods over three years, potentially extending to six. This project will see 524 kilometres of track renovated using cutting-edge machinery, allowing for rapid, overnight work while minimizing the operation’s carbon footprint through innovative recycling practices and plans for hybrid electric/hydrogen locomotives starting 2027.

These contracts reinforce Eiffage Rail’s and Captrain’s central role in the modernization of France's rail network, aligning with SNCF Réseau's extensive renovation initiatives.

R. H.

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