sur Electric Royalties Ltd. (isin : CA28500L1094)

Electric Royalties Converts Interest into Common Shares

Electric Royalties Ltd. announced that it has agreed to a conversion of accrued interest into common shares. The company revealed that Gleason & Sons LLC elected to convert C$428,540.40 of accrued interest from the convertible credit facility into 3,174,373 common shares. The conversion rate is set at C$0.135 per share.

This transaction, classified as "Shares for Debt," requires approval from the TSX Venture Exchange. Post-approval, the common shares will be subject to resale restrictions under Canadian and U.S. securities laws. The conversion does not trigger related party transaction rules under Multilateral Instrument 61-101.

The completion of this conversion is anticipated to enhance Electric Royalties' financial standing as it continues to expand its portfolio across key commodities vital to electrification, including lithium and graphite.

R. E.

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