sur Electrovaya, Inc. (NASDAQ:ELVA)

Electrovaya Announces Integration of Wireless Charging for its Batteries

Electrovaya Inc., a leader in lithium-ion battery technology, has announced successful integration of its latest battery systems with two top wireless chargers. These batteries, designed for material handling and capable of up to 60kWh, now boast wireless charging capabilities with performance on par with traditional wired charging solutions.

Dr. Jeremy Dang, the Vice President of Business Development at Electrovaya, highlighted the significant enhancement wireless charging brings to the integration of Electrovaya batteries in autonomous vehicles, eliminating the need for manual charging oversight. This advancement, combined with Electrovaya's EVISION platform, aims to enable complete remote battery operation monitoring and control.

The company also revealed plans to showcase its new battery systems at upcoming trade shows including MODEX 2024 in Atlanta and the Advanced Clean Technology Expo in Las Vegas.

R. E.

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