sur Electrovaya, Inc. (NASDAQ:ELVA)
Electrovaya Announces Update to Its Solid-State Battery Development
Electrovaya Inc., a leader in lithium-ion battery technology, has provided significant updates on its solid-state battery program during its annual Battery Technology Day in Toronto. The company has developed a scalable and cost-effective lithium ion conducting ceramic with a notable ionic conductivity of ~8.10-4 S/cm, and efforts are ongoing to enhance this further.
Additionally, Electrovaya has unveiled a proprietary separator membrane using in-house ceramics, which incorporates a scalable manufacturing process. This advancement aligns with the company's progress in producing stable cycling pouch cells, essential for commercially viable battery cells.
"Our team has made significant strides in developing our solid-state battery technology," said Dr. Raj DasGupta, CEO of Electrovaya. "We are in discussions with a major automaker and plan to ship prototype samples later this year."
The company's advancements are expected to bolster the commercial viability of solid-state batteries, reinforcing its position in the evolving energy storage market.
R. H.
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