sur Electrovaya, Inc. (NASDAQ:ELVA)

Electrovaya's GEN V Battery Management System Receives UL Certifications

Electrovaya Inc., a leader in lithium-ion battery technology and manufacturing, announced the approval of its latest generation Battery Management System (BMS) by UL. This system, called GEN V BMS, has successfully passed conformance assessment to UL 991 and UL 1998, respectively related to semiconductor devices in safety-related controls and software in programmable components.

The new BMS stands out for its robust design, having withstood years of rigorous operational conditions without failures or safety incidents. Developed in-house, both in hardware and software, it is precisely adapted to the specific requirements of high voltage applications. It also incorporates remote functionality for battery monitoring and has advanced fleet and warehouse analytics using EVISION, enhancing its utility in fleet and warehouse management.

Dr. Raj DasGupta, CEO of Electrovaya, highlights the importance of UL certifications as a crucial third-party validation for the design of their latest battery system.

Electrovaya will showcase its latest battery system products at MODEX 2024 and the Advanced Clean Technology Expo, affirming its commitment to advancing sustainable solutions for electric mobility and energy storage.

R. E.

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