EMS: Revenue Growth in the 3rd Quarter of 2024

EMS, a specialist in medical imaging systems, announces a turnover of 10 million euros for the 3rd quarter of 2024, an increase of 12% compared to the same period in 2023. This increase is explained by positive commercial dynamics in radiology and bone densitometry, in France and internationally. Over the first nine months of 2024, turnover amounts to 31.7 million euros, marking an increase of 7%.

Own-label and white-label sales are balanced, which contributed to this growth. Radiology represents 77% of sales. EMS is thus continuing its innovation and development strategy, despite an uncertain geopolitical context.

The company recently launched the Onyx mobile radiology system, using advanced technologies to improve diagnosis and user experience, strengthening its position in the market.

R. H.

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