ENCAVIS AG Supervisory Board Sees Major Changes with New Appointments
ENCAVIS AG announced changes to its Supervisory Board following the court appointment of five new members. As of February 24, 2025, Marco Fontana, Boris Scukanec Hopinski, Tobias Krauss, Dr. Johannes Teyssen, and Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann have joined the board. This follows the resignation of eight former members, leaving Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt as the sole incumbent.
The Hamburg District Court's decision reshapes the board amid significant departures, including the former Chairman, Dr. Rolf Martin Schmitz. Dr. Johannes Teyssen has been named the new Chairman, with Marco Fontana as the Deputy Chairman. The appointments will last until the next general meeting of 2025.
Dr. Christoph Husmann, Management Board Spokesperson, expressed gratitude to the outgoing members for their contributions, acknowledging their role in the company's positive trajectory. Encavis operates in the renewable energy sector, managing wind and solar projects across Europe.
R. P.
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