sur Endor AG (isin : DE0005491666)

Endor AG Secures Bridge Loan Extension Through Standstill Agreement with Lending Banks

On April 2, 2024, Endor AG announced a vital development in its financial arrangements, confirming that its lending banks have extended bridge loans until June 30, 2024. This extension comes as part of a standstill agreement whose suspensive conditions Endor AG has successfully met. The agreement, which remains in effect up to the same deadline, outlines certain ongoing obligations that Endor AG has agreed to fulfill to maintain the terms of the standstill.

This financial maneuver provides Endor AG, a notable player in the high-end simulation market, with a temporary relief and operational stability. In the event of failing to meet the agreed conditions, however, the lending banks hold the right to terminate the standstill agreement prematurely. Endor AG's commitment underlines its resolve to continue meeting its financial and operational goals during this period.

R. H.

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