ENENSYS: Strong growth in the first half of 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ENENSYS (EPA:ALNN6).

ENENSYS Technologies shows significant growth for the first half of 2024. Revenue reaches €7.6 million, marking a 39% increase compared to 2023 thanks to various projects in EMEA, France, and South America. However, North America's performance remains sluggish.

EBITDA went from negative to €0.9 million, with a net profit of €0.6 million. Although the gross margin fell slightly to 75%, external and personnel costs were under control. Free cash flow was positive at €0.8 million and net debt decreased.

ENENSYS plans to continue its development, capitalizing on its innovations and its increased presence at international events. The Group remains optimistic for the year despite an uncertain economic context.

R. P.

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