Entech Announces 2025 Financial Calendar

Entech, a technology company focused on renewable energy storage and management, has published its financial communication calendar for the year 2025. Founded in Quimper, Entech continues to play a key role in the integration of renewable energies. The company plans to reveal the annual turnover for 2024 on February 25, 2025. The annual results will follow on March 25. The General Meeting of Shareholders is scheduled for June 17.
For the second half of the year, the half-year sales will be published on September 9, while the half-year results will be announced on September 23. All publications will take place after the market close. Entech emphasizes that the schedule could be adjusted if necessary. By actively participating in the energy transition, Entech develops production plants as well as connected or off-grid storage systems, creating sustainable solutions for the energy future.
R. E.
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