Entech records a turnover of 35.2 million euros in 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ENTECH (EPA:ALESE).

In 2024, Entech recorded a turnover of €35.2 million during an exceptional nine-month financial year. The decision to reduce the financial year was voted on at the general meeting in September 2024. Entech Construction generated €25.5 million, or 72% of revenue, from the design and installation of photovoltaic and storage power plants.

Entech Solutions contributed €9.6 million, a sharp increase compared to the previous year. The company also stands out for the signing of significant contracts in early 2025, notably with Sunrock and AEG Power Solutions. A record contract for storage systems was signed on February 24, 2025.

R. E.

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