Entech wins the call for tenders launched by Vannes Agglomeration for the installation of 10 photovoltaic power plants

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ENTECH (EPA:ALESE).

Quimper, September 3, 2024 – Entech, a specialist in the storage and management of renewable energies, has won the public contract from Vannes Agglomération for the supply, installation and maintenance of 10 photovoltaic power plants. This project includes a collaboration with three other regional companies: GH for metal construction, Groupe Pigeon for public works and SOG Solar for solar engineering.

This ambitious project involves 10 different sites, including a rooftop power plant, five ground-based power plants and four parking canopies. Despite the technical and logistical constraints, Entech and its partners guarantee the success of this operation. The contract includes a firm tranche and 10 optional tranches for a total amount of nearly 6 million euros, including more than 3 million for Entech.

Created in 2016 and already involved in more than 300 global projects, Entech continues to strengthen its position in the renewable energy market, while remaining an environmentally, socially and societally committed company.

R. P.

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